What to Expect
The stronger the team, the better the performance! It's time to highlight your athletes with a team photo that is as unique as each and every one of them. Athletes and teams are typically shot on a natural background. If you're looking for that "wow" factor, you might consider adding on graphic alternatives for an additional charge. Whatever you choose, you will be provided with a one of a kind team photo that will show their passion and unique sense of community.
How To Prepare:
Parky's Pics wants to capture your athletes personality and spirit. To ensure a successful photo experience, use my following Team Picture Day tips below:
Get a good night's sleep! You want to look AND feel your best, without the bedhead.
Arrive 20 minutes early so you feel relaxed and don't look rushed!
Prepare any uniforms or equipment pieces you would want in the photos the night before so you can easily find them on picture day.
Don't forget to wash your uniform!
Pre-Order using the link below, or bring your completed order form to the session
SMILE! Unless you are going for the game-face look of course.
See the Order Forms >
Pano Prints:
Let Parky's Pics create a one-of-a-kind customized 10x30" panoramic print or banner for your team!
Each player is shot individually and then composited together to best reflect each player's unique personality and contribution to the team. These Panoramic Prints are $30 each, and must have a minimum order of five per team. Customized Panoramic banners (2'x 6') are $175. If the whole team orders Panoramic Prints, the banner is free!
In addition to making a great display, banner prints can also be great fundraising opportunities! Simply add one sponsor or more to your banner to help share your community's contribution!